Week 9 :) – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 9 :)

Hi everyone! I can not believe we are nearing the final days of DCERP. This summer has been quite interesting! I was very excited coming in, and I can say that my expectations of this summer definitely did meet reality. I wanted to pour into and help my community, and through my placement I was able to do that. 

At my site, we worked hard researching, and creating various activities to inform Detroiters about voting. 

I have learned so much. I learned about Detroit, Detroit’s history, voting history and more!

I am so happy the program is nearing an end and that I have a lot to take away from this experience.

3 thoughts on “Week 9 :)”

  1. Hi Breeana! It was really nice meeting you this summer. I hope we can see each other around on campus soon!

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