Week 9 at KGD – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 9 at KGD

It’s bittersweet to see the program come to an end. I’ve learned so much through working with Keep Growing Detroit this summer. I’ve learned different gardening skills and more about food justice work. I’ve also gained more skills as it relates to working with youth and evaluating programs. My opinions and perceptions haven’t really changed from the start of the program. However, I gained a deeper understanding of what community organizing looks like, and this will affect the trajectory of my public health path in the future. Working with KGD has really solidified my aspiration to work with communities to create systemic change. I want whatever career I have in the future to place me in a position where I can support sustainable community development and organizing.

While I wish we had the opportunity to explore more parts of Detroit together as a cohort, I enjoyed meeting new people in this program and learning from their experiences. I wish you all good luck with your future endeavors and I hope we can see each other around campus sometime!

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