

General: This website is part of a larger project that is meant to facilitate and enrich educational experiences about the Mediterranean world; for other products of this project see the Land of Israel/Palestine Course Site and Image Database. The project was conceived, designed, and directed by Yaron Eliav. The current website and its content was funded with a Transforming Learning for a Third Century (TLTC) grant, itself part of a University-wide initiative guided by the Provost and the President known as The Third Century Initiative (TCI). For the people involved in the development of this website see the People page.

No permission is needed to use any part of this multi-component project for educational, non-profit purposes, either inside or outside of the University of Michigan. We would be delighted if you use our products for college or high-school teaching or to travel with them to the regions of the Mediterranean, and you are always welcome to bring students to the Kelsey Museum. We would love to hear about your experience, as well as any comments or suggestions that you might have about this website and its tools. Drop us a line via email.

If you wish to use this website or any other component of our project for research, publication, or any other venue that is not strictly an educational, teaching setting, please obtain permission from Yaron Eliav.

Kelsey Objects: The University of Michigan holds the rights to all material within the collection of the Kelsey Museum. As the designated repository for the University, the Kelsey maintains the right to grant or deny requests for permission to use images of all materials in its collections of artifacts and archives, including photographs and textual materials. To obtain permission to reproduce such materials, please first read the Conditions Governing Rights and Reproductions document, then fill out, save, and email the Application for Reproduction Permission to: Michelle Fontenot (, Collections Manager, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Or complete, print, and mail the form to: Michelle Fontenot, Collections Manager, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 434 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1390 (phone: 734.647.0442; fax: 734.763.8976).

Jackier Collection: Lawrence Jackier holds exclusive rights to all media related to materials labeled “Jackier Collection” on this website.

Photography, Video, and Content: Photography of Exercise One objects was executed by Justin Winger, Dan Diffendale, and Tom Bray. Tom consulted on the entire process. Photography of Exercise Two objects was executed by Steve Kuzma; all rights to the photographs are reserved by the University of Michigan. Photographs of the Class Tour items was executed by Justin Winger. Worksheets were developed by Justin Winger with help from Yaron Eliav. All other content was developed by Justin Winger and Yaron Eliav. For credits of video clips, see the closing segment of the clip.