A Literature Review on Combustion and Properties Studies of Alternative Fuels – UROP Spring Symposium 2021

A Literature Review on Combustion and Properties Studies of Alternative Fuels

Nicholas Robinson


Research Mentor(s): Andre Boehman, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 6 (4pm-4:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 18
Presenter: 5

Event Link


A literature review has been undertaken in order to understand more about the ignition behavior of fatty alcohols and to eventually conduct my own experiments. Using Scopus, U of M’s online library, I searched for keywords, such as “fatty alcohols”, “diesel”, and/or “combustion”, in scholarly articles in order to find research that was relevant. After finding the article, I would read through it, occasionally skimming through parts I found non-pertinent, while taking notes on the important information. From there, I would compile all of the information into a three or four paragraph summary, giving a description of each scholarly article. So far, my main takeaway would be that fatty alcohols blended with biodiesel can serve as a substitute for fossil diesel, as they generally produce less emissions, and can make the engine more efficient. This research is necessary to provide insight into if these fuels can replace fossil diesel fuel, in order to transition to a more sustainable source such as biofuels.

Authors: Nick Robinson, Andre Boehman
Research Method: Laboratory Research

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