Lana King

Pronouns: she/her
Research Mentor(s): Natasha Johnson, Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Mentor School/College/Department: , School of Public Health
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 3 (1pm-1:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 11
Presenter: 7
Although there is an abundance of research done on the topic of racism, a specific tool has yet to be developed that assesses how adolescents view and understand racism. Most of the current scales on racism focus on experiences, rather than understanding of racism. The goal of this study is to develop a more distinct scale that captures Black youth’s understanding of racism. This will allow professionals to learn more about racial stress in youth and the effects this can have on education. After analyzing the scale responses, professionals can use the results to help Black youth in more appropriate ways, such as designing treatment plans or effective ways to discuss race in the classroom. The scale development process includes multiple phases in order to create the most concise, effective product. Some of the specific phases for this project include one-on-one interviews with school-age children, expert panels, and item analysis. Once that scale is developed and put into use, there will be a better understanding of how youth view racism. This insight will provide valuable information that can be utilized to promote healthy development.
Authors: Lana King, Natasha Johnson
Research Method: Survey Research