Christian Weichsel III

Pronouns: he/him/his
Research Mentor(s): Philip Brabbs, Managing Director
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Ross Digital Business, Ross School of Business
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 4 (2pm-2:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 1
Presenter: 7
Despite the University of Michigan Ross School of Business being one of the best undergraduate business schools in the nation and offering prestigious opportunities for students, it lacks the necessary technological education for the future of the world in business. This project is designed to create and nourish a place in Ross, and later to the university as a whole, that combines the concepts of business and technology, uniting them to better prepare students for their corporate futures that will require tech literacy. An opportunity through Business + Tech to enhance student’s opportunities within technology is the annual Ross Datathon which gives students a large dataset and requires them to best optimize the data to the specific problem at hand. In order to gain interest in Datathon, however, corporate sponsors must be present to share their insights and organizations must have options for engagement. This project culminated in the outreach of 240 business individuals and over 100 corporations. Among these companies, 6 formed official partnerships. Additionally, Datathon gave partnerships to 13 business and tech oriented clubs to further engagement among the U of M community. As of February 26th, Datathon had a total registration of 140 students both undergraduates and graduates alike.. Tech at the Ross School of Business has a long journey ahead before it can compare to other top notch universities with business schools like UVA, NYU, and UPenn. Business + Tech and the connections formed these past two semesters will help guide technology to be more than just a project based opportunity but be implemented into classes.
Authors: Christian Weichsel III
Research Method: Library/Archival/Internet Research