Kashmira Reddy

Pronouns: she/her/hers
Research Mentor(s): Mark Guzdial, Professor
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Computer Science and Engineering / Engineering Education Research, College of Engineering
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 2 (11am – 11:50am)
Breakout Room: Room 9
Presenter: 3
In many K-12 social studies textbooks, there are a plethora of data visualizations in the forms of graphs, maps, and timelines. However, students are not taught how to understand and interpret these data visualizations. Students who do not learn how to read these data visualizations are at a disadvantage because they often explain important concepts that are not present in the text. The goal of the research project is to create a database with programming tools that social studies teachers can use to teach data literacy in the classroom. The research undertaken in this project derives from feedback taken from social studies teachers in Michigan. Teachers who were interested in using data visualizations in their classroom volunteered to provide input to guide and improve the project. This project’s usability, understandability, and accessibility by social studies teachers in Michigan are in the process of being tested. The project intends to increase social studies teachers’ use of online tools to aid students’ understanding of data visualizations. With increased exposure to programmable tools, the project aims to increase student performance in social studies courses and student interest in computer science.
Authors: Mark Guzdial, Tamara Shreiner, Kashmira Reddy
Research Method: Computer Programming