Sarim Syed

Pronouns: He/Him
Research Mentor(s): J Todd Arnedt, Associate Professor
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Psychiatry, Michigan Medicine
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 4 (2pm-2:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 13
Presenter: 6
Data collected from a randomized controlled noninferiority trial testing cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBTi) delivered face to face versus telemedicine was used to examine the relationship between insomnia and anxiety. Measurements of general anxiety disorder (GAD) and insomnia severity index (ISI) were collected from 65 adults with chronic insomnia at before CBTi treatment, immediately post-treatment, and again 12 weeks post-treatment. ISI scores were measured using a seven- item test with higher scores indicating more severe insomnia. Anxiety was measured using the GAD-7 (General Anxiety Disorder – 7), a seven-item survey that measures anxiety severity with higher scores representing more severe insomnia. Baseline measures have shown that as the severity of insomnia increases, anxiety severity increases as well. Measurements of ISI and GAD taken at post-treatment show CBT-I decreased ISI scores by 8.8 and 9.34 points in both treatment groups, indicating there was a decreased insomnia severity following CBT-I. GAD-7 scores reduced by 3.0 and 2.7 points at post-treatment in both groups, indicating decreased anxiety severity.
Authors: Sarim Syed, Gabriel Noel Pascua, J. Todd Arnedt, Mandilyn Graham, Libby Cardoni
Research Method: Clinical Research