Financing and Counter-Financing of Violent Non-State Actors Project – UROP Spring Symposium 2021

Financing and Counter-Financing of Violent Non-State Actors Project

Thomas Frost


Pronouns: He/him

Research Mentor(s): Corina Simonelli, PhD Candidate
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Political Science and Public Policy, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 1 (10am-10:50am)
Breakout Room: Room 4
Presenter: 2

Event Link


I am working on data collection for the Countering the Financing of Violent Non-State Actors Project. The goal of the project is to develop the first comprehensive database of actions that obstruct the finances of terrorist groups in hopes to measure the efficacy of these actions and whether or not certain counterinsurgent actions either harm or embolden terrorist groups. This project is one of the first of its kind. The data used for this database is obtained from newspaper and online article entries regarding the different groups from the years 1990 to 2018. The articles are accessed on NexisUni then codified by a team of coders. Different coders code the same groups in order to ensure reliability of the data. There are no results yet for the project, as it is projected to take more time to complete the database. When the database is nearing completion, statistical analysis of the data will be performed in order to determine the efficacy of certain counterinsurgent actions.

Authors: Thomas Frost, Corina Simonelli
Research Method: Library/Archival/Internet Research

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