Arwa Hassaballa
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Research Mentor(s): Emily Treleaven, Research Investigator
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Institute for Social Research/Population Studies Center,
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 5 (3pm-3:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 9
Presenter: 6
Many factors play a role in deciding whether or not a married couple will use a form of family planning. Past research has shown that a large factor is the education the couple has. Both the husband and the wife’s knowledge affects whether or not the couple decides to use a form of family planning. However, is the education of the husband as important as the wife’s education? In cultures where the husband plays a large role in decision making, the husband’s education can be just as important or even more important than the wife’s education. In my project, I would like to determine if a husband’s educational attainment plays a role in use of family planning. Using data collected from the cluster-randomized controlled trial titled: Proactive Community Case Management to Reduce Child Mortality Rates, the goal of my project is to analyze the relationship between husband’s education and Family Planning. When looking at husband education and family planning, the hypothesis is that the more the husband is educated, the more likely family planning is taking place between the couple. The Proactive Case Management trial started in 2017 and was implemented until 2020. Households were surveyed beginning the year before the intervention started and then every year after that until 2020. Looking at a control group and an intervention group, the data collected in the questionnaires will help determine if the intervention is successful in lowering child mortality rates. The intervention consists of community health workers (CHW) who visit the families’ homes while the control simply gives the families access to a health center and CHW. The idea behind the intervention is to see if giving easier access to healthcare will lead to higher rates of child survival. Using the data collected during the baseline survey for this project, statistical analysis will be used to determine if there is an association between husband education and family planning.
Authors: Arwa Hassaballa, Emily Treleaven
Research Method: Survey Research