Ebraheem Karaein
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Research Mentor(s): Kevin Miller, Professor
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 5 (3pm-3:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 9
Presenter: 2
Misbehavior has been a problem in classrooms worldwide. Studies in the past have attempted to link misbehavior within the classroom to student race and gender showing that there is potentially some connection between misbehaviors and how a teacher disciplines the student in terms of response. This study builds off of those of the past by utilizing Mobile Eye-tracking in regular class periods to discover the types of misbehaviors most common within the classroom, which misbehaviors teachers see and respond to, and whether these answers differ by student gender. By utilizing multiple cameras at different angles to record all misbehaviors within classrooms, we can code for misbehaviors according to a standard coding rubric. Trained coders watched 52 videos of 26 different 1st? through 11t?h? grade classrooms and noted the frequency of misbehaviors for each of 20 to 30 students, whether the teacher noticed, whether the teacher responded, and the gender of the student committing the misbehavior. The coding is essential in tracking misbehavior frequency as well as teacher response in a hope to identify a common misbehavior and response effects within the classroom. If a link between a common misbehavior and a certain response that prevented future misbehaviors could be identified, we would have new knowledge on what the best way to respond to a common misbehavior would be. We are early in the research process and expect to establish a link between whether boys and girls perform certain misbehaviors in the same frequencies and whether teachers respond to boys and girls fairly. Our end goal of this research study is to identify what method of dealing with misbehaviors is most effective. This expected finding could help inform teacher education programs by preparing pre-service and in-service student teachers to pre-empt their response biases and use Mobile-Eye-tracking technology in reflective practice. This effort may then result in less misbehaviors overall, creating a better environment for both teachers and students that encourages more efficient education.
Authors: Ebraheem Karaein
Research Method: Qualitative Study