Chirag Bangera
Pronouns: he/him/his
Research Mentor(s): Robert Ziff, Professor
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 2 (11am – 11:50am)
Breakout Room: Room 18
Presenter: 6
Under Professor Ziff, our research group devised various methods of modeling types of percolation. These models were initially based in C and were unoptimized for large-scale run times. We rewrote these programs in C++ and implemented various algorithms and memory structures which helped reduce the runtime of the simulation algorithms. These small improvements yielded a boost in productivity as percolation models have to be run for hours on end to yield large enough outputs to provide viable research data. These small improvements are very important, as improvements in program runtime compounded over hours can have a huge impact and allow researchers to get more done in less time.
Authors: Robert Ziff, Chirag Bangera, Wei Lee, Maggie Zhao
Research Method: Computer Programming