Jessica Furtado

Pronouns: she/her
Research Mentor(s): Matthew Soellner, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 6 (4pm-4:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 10
Presenter: 5
Even after years of researching cancer cells, the scientific and medical communities still have a lot to learn about how these types of cells function. This study focuses primarily on utilizing protein kinase inhibitors to degrade kinases that drive cancer progression. We are using a variety of drugs and cells, to attempt to gain a better understanding of how these drugs can control the behavior of these cancerous cells. The main goal of this project is to discover the extent of the degrading effects of Proteolysis targeting chimera(PROTACs). PROTACs are able to degrade kinases by binding to both the kinase itself, as well as an ubiquitin ligase. In order to accomplish this goal, pipetting techniques are utilized to administer chemicals to the cells, which are then analyzed under a microscope. Various chemistry and biology techniques are being used to develop the most complex understanding of these molecules. Recently, one of the drugs that was being tested had a significant effect on the number of cells that were able to survive, and we are continuing to investigate at what dosage this drug became the most effective. These findings help us to understand the type and dosage of drug that is most effective in controlling the cancerous cells, which can help us in our overall study of cellular inhibitors.? This research plays a vital role in understanding how kinase inhibitors can help stop the progression of cancerous cells.
Authors: Jessica Furtado, Emma Collins, Matthew Soellner
Research Method: Laboratory Research