Nikita Abbaraju

Pronouns: she, her, hers
Research Mentor(s): Kimberlee Kearfott, Professor
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences/Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 2 (11am – 11:50am)
Breakout Room: Room 17
Presenter: 6
Astounding visuals can be experienced throughout a plethora of video games. While it may only take a couple of seconds to view the breathtaking visuals presented in a game, each model may have taken days, months or even years to complete! The objects presented in a given game evolve through a long process, starting from initial modeling to eventual rendering for gameplay. Since this research focuses on teaching players about radiation detection, some of the objects required for the game, such as radiation sources and detectors, must be modeled from scratch as these are not available as standard objects in asset libraries. Such items require careful research concerning their overall appearance and dimensions in the real world, and their suitability for inclusion in a game in which technical realism may be desired. In order to allow the game to run as efficiently as possible, the models must hold a low polygon and vertex count, or be “low-poly”, so that the game may operate smoothly as a player moves throughout the virtual space. Objects optimized for gameplay should additionally possess fewer textures as these may also consume memory and slow gameplay. Even if the objects are low-poly models, they can look very detailed through the use of lighting, shading, and texturing to create the stunning visuals often visible in professional games. By attending to gameplay related requirements and using those techniques without compromising portrayal of actual items, an optimal game with realistic radiation sources, shields, and detectors can be created. This creates a more effortless and enjoyable learning experience for the players.
Authors: Nikita Abbaraju, Aiden Sable, Xinyi Zheng, Daniel Calco, Braden Saltus, Kimberlee Kearfott
Research Method: Computer Programming