Ayda Qureshi

Pronouns: she/her
Research Mentor(s): Brian George, Assistant Professor of Surgery
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Department of Surgery – Center for Surgical Training and Research, Michigan Medicine
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 4 (2pm-2:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 12
Presenter: 1
This study aims to assess the impact of sending a list of the 5 most active faculty and residents to programs on the program’s engagement with a trainee operative performance assessment mobile application known as SIMPL. SIMPL is a mobile app that allows trainees to request evaluations of their operative performance and also supports supervising attendings submitting evaluations independent of the trainee. Because the evaluation process is dependent on a person going into SIMPL and submitting the evaluation, engagement with the application has been historically low. General surgery programs were randomly assigned to two cohorts of the intervention arm of the study. The A cohort were sent their top 5 list weekly and the other B cohort recieved it bi-weekly. Each program was emailed a slide of the top 5 faculty & resident users for the designated time period according to the cohort to which the program has been assigned. Faculty and trainee engagement data were recorded for the designated time period and will be used to create the “top 5” slides. A third cohort, Cohort C, where no action was taken was identified and engagement data tracked. An analysis of the engagement data among the three cohorts will be conducted to determine what if any impact sending a leadership board has on user engagement with the SIMPL application. If engagement was improved by sending a leadership board, an effort to automate the manual task of sending a leadership board will begin. This information can also be helpful to improve engagement with other medical education applications.
Authors: Ayda Qureshi, Zoe Nepomnayshy, Mary Schuller, Brian George
Research Method: Design