Marketing and Rebranding Research for Children’s Literacy Network Nonprofit – UROP Spring Symposium 2022

Marketing and Rebranding Research for Children’s Literacy Network Nonprofit

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Paige Bunker

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Research Mentor(s): Betsy Durant
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Children’s Literacy Network / 0
Presentation Date: April 20
Presentation Type: Oral5
Session: Session 1 – 10am – 10:50am
Room: Breakout Room 3
Authors: Paige Bunker, Betsy Durant
Presenter: 4


Children’s Literacy Network is a fairly small nonprofit organization with limited time and resources. Thus, my rebranding and marketing research efforts were instrumental in supporting the organization’s goals of expanding outreach, engagement, and funding this past year. Throughout my time at CLN, I carried out marketing and rebranding research in various ways. First of all, I consulted with local, successful nonprofits on website format, logo design, brand manuals, and fundraising platform recommendations. I also performed a detailed analysis of CLN’s current logo and website designs to propose changes. Beyond this, I researched characteristics of successful branding in nonprofit organizations, edited CLN’s advertising brochures, reached out to donors and board members to thank them for their efforts, and compiled language and statistics to implement into the new website. Furthermore, I accompanied CLN staff members in meetings with other marketing and branding professionals and composed an elaborate branding manual for future incoming interns to reference in order to preserve CLN’s brand. My rebranding and marketing research has been invaluable to CLN because it will help expand the organization’s online presence and recognizability in the coming years. This will likely increase funding, community support for the organization, and youth participation, all to support CLN in reaching its goal of expansion.

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Social Sciences

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