Feasibility and pilot test of a mixed methods, daily text message survey – UROP Symposium

Feasibility and pilot test of a mixed methods, daily text message survey

Rehab Azab

Research Mentor(s): Melissa DeJonckheere
Department or Program: Family Medicine
Authors: Rehab Azab, Sam Chuisano, MPH, Melissa DeJonckheere, PhD
Session: Session 1: 12:00pm-12:50pm
Poster: 5


Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is a research design used to document participant data in real time with consistent sampling. Real-time data collection can be helpful in all fields of studies, especially to identify trends within one’s course of treatment, experience, or daily routine. This study aims to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and engagement of text-messaging surveys using an EMA approach to inform future studies of adolescents with type 1 diabetes and showcasing the importance of qualitative and mixed methods approaches in EMA. To test the methodology, we will construct a text-messaging survey that includes a mixed methods questionnaire of both open (qualitative) and closed-ended (quantitative) questions regarding daily routines. We aim to test the overall response rates and gain feedback on the quality of the survey to ensure the best surveying approach going forward. We expect the REDCap survey will be sent to up to five people where questions will be asked at various times (morning, afternoon, evening, and night) daily for seven days. At the end of the study, a mixed methods feedback survey (consisting of open- and closed-ended questions) will be sent to all participants to gain insight on their experience accessing and answering the questions. A qualitative analysis of the open-ended follow-up questions will be conducted as well as calculation of response rates and descriptive statistics of feedback scores from closed-ended questions. This pilot study will be successful if a response rate of at least 85% and an overall 70% feedback score is achieved indicating that this approach is ready for use in future studies. Utilizing the EMA research method and recording the response rates will essentially help us know if the study is feasible to young people. Also, it will assist the decision-making and writing process for future studies based on how well the mixed method approach works. Finally, this study will build upon the information we already know about ecological momentary assessments by working out any challenges that we recognize with REDCap and text-messaging, understanding how people feel about different times of the day, and analyzing the feedback answers through descriptive analysis.

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