
Winter 2023

Keheng Chen is a first-year at the University of Michigan in the College of Engineering in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Currently, he is undecided as to what his future major will be, but Keheng is curious to explore the different paths that are open to him. Keheng enjoys drawing and reading, and he also supports environmentalism and is actively trying to find ways to fit in and help his community. Keheng aims to be able to make and support changes that sustainably help make the world a better place.

Megan DeGrand is a freshman at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and is from Grosse Pointe, MI. Megan has always enjoyed artistic and abstract forms of expression. She has always been passionate about writing, and enjoys the process of digging into the different perspectives of varying groups and audiences. She’s always been an active member in her community, and she hopes to continue her involvement through writing.

Arya Goel (she/her) is a freshman at the University of Michigan studying business administration at the Ross School of Business. Arya is from Birmingham, Michigan and has a strong desire to learn about the world around her. Outside of the classroom, Arya’s hobbies include playing golf, shopping, traveling, and trying new coffee shops. 

Julia Lindahl was born and raised in Wayzata, Minnesota. She is currently a freshman majoring in architecture through Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Technology and planning to minor in applied statistics through the college of LSA. Growing up in the state of hockey, it is only right that she has been playing hockey her entire life. She is currently part of the University of Michigan Women’s Ice Hockey team. She enjoys spending time outside, with friends and family, and watching Survivor.

Iris McNally is a first-year student at the University of Michigan and is planning on majoring in economics. She is from Ann Arbor, MI, and has always wanted to attend Michigan. Iris enjoys listening to music, going out to eat, traveling, and going on walks. She is excited to learn more about homelessness through this course and eager to recognize and alleviate some of the hardships through a literary medium. 

Emily grew up in Cincinnati, OH, and is currently a freshman at the University of Michigan, studying business administration with a focus in economics and public policy. She enjoys skiing, watching movies, and going on spontaneous trips with her friends. 

Jimmy Schultz (he/him) is an Ann Arbor local and freshman at the University of Michigan, pursuing a degree in biology. He commutes from his home in Ann Arbor so he doesn’t really experience much of the “college life.” His hobbies include drawing, weightlifting and working with computers. He comes from Filipino roots and is a dual citizen who has visited the Philippines on three separate occasions. And with the COVID pandemic nearly resolved, he hopes to return soon. 

Gabriela Skinner is a third-year Biopsychology, Cognition and Neuroscience student at the University of Michigan. She is very passionate about equitable access to healthcare. She hopes to one day give back to her community in New York. She is excited to contribute and learn during this experience. In her free time, she likes reading, painting and listening to people tell their stories. 

Erica Straus (she/her) is currently enrolled as a senior in the College of LSA at the University of Michigan, pursuing an undergraduate degree in Political Science, and minoring in Crime and Justice. Pursuing law school in the fall, she is interested in legal litigation and social issues, hoping to focus on federal law and/or legal writing.

Christy Suarez (she/her) is a sophomore at the University of Michigan. She was born in Ann Arbor and hopes to contribute to her community through community-based learning and contributing to Groundcover News. She is very interested in the intersection law and policy have on individuals in her community. She hopes to study law and one day become a prosecutor. 

Catherine Tappan (she/her) was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and lived there until she graduated high school. She is currently a sophomore at the University of Michigan, studying English and public policy. Catherine is interested in journalism, especially as it concerns social issues, both domestic and abroad. She looks forward to contributing to Groundcover this semester and highlighting those within Ann Arbor that enrich and help to better our community. 

John F. Buckley (he/him) came from Michigan, went to California for a long time, and then returned to Michigan. He really likes teaching community-based learning courses that narrow the gap between town and gown in Ann Arbor. His publications include several hundred poems, two chapbooks, the collection Sky Sandwiches, and with Martin Ott, Poets’ Guide to America and Yankee Broadcast Network. He needs to update his personal website. He’s the fiction editor for the journal Third Wednesday.