Esha Kaul
Pronouns: She/Her
Research Mentor(s): Amanda White, PhD Student
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Neuroscience, Michigan Medicine
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 5 (3pm-3:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 12
Presenter: 4
In this lab, we are conducting experiments to seek a better understanding about the correlation between behavior and the brain structure. More specifically, we are using fear conditioning and analyzing certain areas of the brain to see this correlation. This study is able to give insight by using infant rats and looking into how the brain network works when they are encountered by a “threatening stimuli.” Through the process of immunohistochemistry, we are able to examine slices of the brain and use specific proteins to highlight neurons that are associated with the behavior that occurs during the fear learning process. The desired section of the brain that is known to be associated with learning is called the amygdala, which is heavily analyzed in our study. This is important for us to understand how fear impacts our brain networks and can possibly reveal limitations that can be further explored (White).
Authors: Esha Kaul, Robert Maurer, Amanda White, Jacek Debiec
Research Method: Laboratory Research with Animals