Examining the co-seasonality of historical respiratory infections – UROP Spring Symposium 2021

Examining the co-seasonality of historical respiratory infections

Xiazi Yuan


Pronouns: She/her

Research Mentor(s): Kevin Bakker, Assistant Research Scientist
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Epidemiology, School of Public Health
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 4 (2pm-2:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 19
Presenter: 1

Event Link


Scarlet fever and diphtheria are two historical infectious disease in 20th century. It has been shown that the occurrence of influenza outbreak has seasonal pattern.The occurrence of Scarlet fever and diphtheria also have this characteristics. We want to fins such pattern based on the data gained from each states of the United States from 1928-1951 for scarlet fever and 1928-1948 for diphtheria. Though one is bacterium while the other is virus, researchers found there is link between them. In order to understand these two pathogens better, we plot many different kinds of graphs of these two separately and together, weekly and yearly in R, based on the weekly data of number of infected people in the United States. We will also plot some wavelets and cross-wavelets to find the co-seasonality within states and between disease. The expected result will be that some patterns between these two pathogens that deserve further research and study do exist. Though these two are historical infectious disease, studying these two pathogens may provide us with more information on the potential link between them and many other disease, which will benefit other disease study or even help find potential method to forecast other diseases forecast and take them under control.

Authors: Xiazi Yuan
Research Method: Computer Programming

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