Gabrielle Dietz
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Research Mentor(s): Sydney Fouche, Research Area Specialist/ACRU Unit Manager
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Department of Emergency Medicine Research-Acute Care Research Unit, Michigan Medicine
Presentation Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Session: Session 3 (1pm-1:50pm)
Breakout Room: Room 19
Presenter: 1
Qualitative analysis, and an associated team-based approach in learning these methods, has grown increasingly popular. However, many students find learning qualitative analysis difficult due to limited exposure in early higher education and the absence of a standardized process for qualitative inquiry. Prior studies on teaching and learning qualitative methods highlighted the importance of group work, asking questions, and openness to discussions. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is not much in the literature about the role of a tiered team-based mentorship program in it’s teaching. We sought to foster improved understanding of qualitative research for undergraduate trainees, as well as conduct exploration of the influence of a team-based approach on learning qualitative analysis. A core team of research mentors conducting qualitative analysis of data collected on police role in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) led trainings for four undergraduate students over the course of seven months. These training sessions leveraged data from the OHCA study to facilitate presentations and group discussions dedicated to qualitative methods. Mentors and trainees convened on a weekly basis for one hour to discuss aspects of qualitative research. Trainees were given weekly qualitative analysis assignments along with analyses conducted by mentors, and received feedback on these assignments, in addition to discussion at weekly meetings. Meetings were recorded and stored in a shared folder online, along with emails containing assignment details. Trainees were asked to evaluate and reflect upon their experience in a group discussion. Two trainees reviewed recordings and training materials to take notes and conduct analysis of the learning process. Trainees gained the ability to efficiently analyze qualitative data and acquired competency in collaborating within a team of researchers, while limiting the time burden of mentorship. Furthermore, trainees gained skills to mentor budding researchers in qualitative analysis. Additionally, the program gave trainees the benefit of hearing perspectives from their peers, who come from different disciplines and academic backgrounds, which, in turn, has allowed for an expansive and critical reflection of qualitative data. With this investigation, these methods for teaching and learning qualitative analysis could become implemented within the Acute Care Research Unit (ACRU) for future courses and projects centered around qualitative methods.
Authors: Gabrielle Dietz, Jessica Flohr, Stephen Dowker , Nasma Berri, Rama Salhi, Sydney Fouche
Research Method: Data Collection and Analysis