An analytical framework for streamflow estimation based on remote sensing precipitation and soil moisture information – UROP Spring Symposium 2022

An analytical framework for streamflow estimation based on remote sensing precipitation and soil moisture information

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Charles Luther Smith

Pronouns: he, him

Research Mentor(s): Yiwen Mei
Research Mentor School/College/Department: / SNRE
Presentation Date: April 20
Presentation Type: Oral5
Session: Session 4 – 2:40pm – 3:30 pm
Room: Breakout room 2
Authors: Yiwen Mei
Presenter: 4


A reliable prediction of runoff generation from extreme storm events is of utmost importance for flood hazard mitigation. It has been shown that the amount of precipitation converted to runoff during a storm event is intimately related to the antecedent soil moisture of the catchment. To study the relationship between runoff generation with precipitation and soil moisture, ground-based measurements of the variables are usually used. This limits the analysis of the catchment to available observations of the environmental variables. The recently available precipitation and soil moisture observations from satellite remote sensing provide alternative data sources and may be used in the runoff generation analysis. Therefore, the aim of this project is to analyze the relationship among precipitation, soil moisture, and streamflow at the catchment scale and to construct a statistical model for the prediction of event-based streamflow total using the satellite precipitation and soil moisture products. This study selects the Tar river basin in North Carolina as an example to investigate the potential of satellite precipitation and soil moisture in statistical modeling of event runoff. The outcome of the project is a statistical model for event runoff based on event rainfall and antecedent soil moisture condition for the Tar river basin.

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Environmental Studies

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