Association of biomarkers with Patient Response to Endothelin Receptor Antagonist – UROP Spring Symposium 2022

Association of biomarkers with Patient Response to Endothelin Receptor Antagonist

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Saif Siddiqui

Pronouns: He/Him

Research Mentor(s): Wenjun Ju
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Internal Medicine / Medicine
Presentation Date: April 20
Presentation Type: Poster
Session: Session 3 – 1:40pm – 2:30 pm
Room: League Ballroom
Authors: Saif Siddiqui, Emily Tanner, Virginia Warner-Vega, Yuee Wang, Wenjun Ju
Presenter: 119


In response to the high rates of kidney disease worldwide, companies have created renal protective medications targeted to individuals suffering from various kidney diseases over the past decades. However, one size fits all strategy did not show good efficacy due to the heterogeneity of the disease pathogenesis. To identify the right patients for the right treatment, we collected bio-specimens from patients treated by endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA), identified and optimized the appropriate Enzyme-Linked Immunoassays, and measured candidate plasma biomarkers that are associated with kidney disease severity to determine if the baseline concentrations of the biomarker or the changes of biomarkers after a short period of treatment is associated with the response of the patients towards the therapy. We found that out of three treated patients with different treatment duration, biomarker concentrations were increased by 45.8%, and 34.5% in two patients respectively, and decreased 17.5% in the third patient, after treatment. The increased or decreased biomarker level during treatment is associated with loss or gain of longitudinal kidney function, suggesting that the change of biomarker concentration after treatment may predict patients’ response to ERA. Samples from more patients will need to be tested to validate our discovery.

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