Biography of Ole Anthony, Scourge of Televangelists – UROP Spring Symposium 2022

Biography of Ole Anthony, Scourge of Televangelists

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Allison Youtt

Pronouns: she/her

Research Mentor(s): David Morse
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Public Policy / Public Policy
Presentation Date: April 20
Presentation Type: Poster
Session: Session 3 – 1:40pm – 2:30 pm
Room: League Ballroom
Authors: Allison Youtt, David Morse
Presenter: 84


Cults are getting a lot of media attention lately (e.g., recent documentaries on the Rajneeshees and NXIVM), which has heightened awareness, but much of the coverage has been sensationalized. Accurate information about alternative intentional communities is hard to find; too often, these groups are labeled as “cults,” while reporting is focused on disturbing depictions of cult leaders who are labeled as manipulative, charismatic, cunning, and controlling. While some groups deserve the label, others are unfairly demonized, especially those that came together because of common grievances against mainstream society, striving to set a positive example for their community. This study specifically focuses on an individual named Ole Anthony, who was the leader of The Trinity Foundation, which some have labeled a cult. An idiosyncratic Christian intentional community, Trinity has tried to do good in society, dedicating themselves to aiding the homeless population and investigating televangelists. However, as Trinity’s leader, Ole Anthony is guilty of psychological torture in the form of ‘hot seats’ to his members. He has also been accused of extensive possible deceit. This study focused primarily on archival audio recordings of Bible study meetings led by Ole Anthony in order to discover accurate details about Ole Anthony’s background, the general atmosphere and nature of life in the community, and Anthony’s doctrine and ideology. Comments in the meetings made by Ole Anthony or Bible study members are qualitatively coded into the following categories: Tensions, Colorful or Rhetorically Interesting Language, Biographical Details, Anything Revealing about Members’ Personalities, and Doctrine/Theology. In addition, this study is also transcribing interviews with current and former members, as well as conducting an exhaustive online search for articles about the community. These interviews and articles are also analyzed to glean more information about Anthony and the community. The goal of this study is to better understand Ole Anthony as a person and as a leader, as well as his followers—why they were associating with him, and how they accomplished their goals. The final form of this research will likely be a book about Ole Anthony and the Trinity Foundation, which will contribute to a better understanding among the public of alternative communal groups in America.

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