UROP Summer Virtual Research Symposium
July 27 – July 30
2:00pm – 5:30pm
The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program’s Annual Research Symposia are the culminating event for all students participating in UROP Programs. The 2020 Symposia will take place virtually. The events celebrate the partnerships created between students and research mentors, and serves as a conference where students can present their research project and learn about the research their fellow UROP students have worked on.
UROP DCERP Virtual Summer Showcase
July 29th 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Each year, undergraduate students spend the summer working on a wide variety of research projects proposed and led by local Detroit non-profits. The students also become part of an intentional learning community that examines the city and its history with a social justice lens. Our students will talk about their projects and their experiences with supporting communities and each other during the pandemic and constant social unrest.