Automated Fluidic and Pressure Control for Expedited Mouse Brain Processing – UROP Spring Symposium 2022

Automated Fluidic and Pressure Control for Expedited Mouse Brain Processing

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Olivier Mastey

Pronouns: He/Him

Research Mentor(s): Dawen Cai
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Cell and Developmental Biology; Biophysics; Neuroscience Graduate Program / Medicine
Presentation Date: April 20
Presentation Type: Oral5
Session: Session 5 – 3:40pm – 4:30 pm
Room: Breakout Room 1
Authors: Olivier Mastey, Dawen Cai
Presenter: 3


The purpose of this project is to build automated fluidic and pressure control devices to accelerate the immunohistology processing speed of mouse brain tissues. Its success would enable the rest of the lab to analyze brain samples more quickly. We designed and prototyped two devices. One can automatically empty and refill solution in a reaction chamber so that excess chemicals will not be wasted in the tissue clearing process, and the other one can monitor and control the pressure within a reactor to enable pressure-aided antibody penetration.

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