A Qualitative Exploration of the Educational and Practice Experiences of Occupational Health Nurses – UROP Symposium

A Qualitative Exploration of the Educational and Practice Experiences of Occupational Health Nurses

Amara Tariq

Pronouns: she/her

Research Mentor(s): Marie-Anne Rosemberg
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Department of Systems, Populations, and Leadership / Nursing
Authors: Marie-Anne Rosemberg, Amara Tariq
Session: Session 3: 11:00 am – 11: 50 am
Poster: 90


Occupational health nurses (OHN) promote employee wellness by educating employees about workplace risks and providing care for workplace-related injuries or illnesses. They also advocate for changes in the workplace to protect workers when issues are identified. Through collaborative efforts within interdisciplinary programs and policy-making regarding social inequality and ethical practices in the workplace, occupational health professionals ensure workers’ needs are met while maximizing business needs. The existing body of literature about occupational health nurses describes their work roles; however, there is a gap in knowledge about their personal experiences. The purpose of this study is to comprehensively understand the professional and educational experiences of occupational health nurses. Study findings will delineate gaps in knowledge about complex interactions between multiple factors affecting the work and educational experiences of occupational health nurses. Additionally, results will potentially inform future policies and educational practices that affect the future of the occupational health nursing profession.

Biomedical Sciences

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