Assessing policy interventions in a pandemic: lessons learned and opportunities for improvement – UROP Symposium

Assessing policy interventions in a pandemic: lessons learned and opportunities for improvement

Varad Chapalgaonkar

Pronouns: he/him

Research Mentor(s): John Kubale
Research Mentor School/College/Department: ICPSR / ISR
Authors: Varad Chapalgaonkar, John Kubale
Session: Session 3: 11:00 am – 11: 50 am
Poster: 42


This is a systematic review of public policy interventions to mitigate the burden and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States. We searched PubMed, Scopus, Health Policy Ref Center, and Embase databases for studies exploring the effectiveness of COVID-19 mitigation policies in the United States published through October 2023. The search strategy includes cohort studies, modeling studies, and other works that use a data-based framework for evaluating policies while excluding narratives, editorials, or op-ed pieces. After removing duplicates, a total of 13,693 articles were identified for title/abstract screening by two independent reviewers. A third reviewer will settle disagreements between these two reviewers. Those articles classified as “Yes” or “Maybe” based on their titles/abstracts will advance for full-text review. After the full-text review, we will extract data and tabulate the data sources, measures, and policy types found in the set. A special focus will be given to the design, implementation, and effectiveness of policies for reducing spread and mortality. These findings will help characterize the existing evidence related to the effectiveness of specific non-pharmaceutical interventions in mitigating disease burden and transmission–an important consideration for responding to future pandemics.

Interdisciplinary, Social Sciences

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