Determining Inequities of Technology in Computer Science (CS) Education – UROP Symposium

Determining Inequities of Technology in Computer Science (CS) Education

Diego Viramontes Vargas

Pronouns: he/him

Research Mentor(s): Barbara Ericson
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Computing / Information
Authors: Aadarsh Padiyath, Diego Viramontes Vargas
Session: Session 1: 9:00 am – 9:50 am
Poster: 46


What broad problems exist in your research field that your lab is investigating? Social and environmental, for there is a digital divide between minorities and majorities as well as a big carbon footprint from the computers and servers that support LLMs. We analyze previous research articles to see what potential questions went without them being answered, then we draft the questions in regards to reliability and validity. The method we chose to use was surveys; we conduct the surveys at the School of Information and are currently looking for other possible classes where we are able to do so. We, then, will compare the data with what we first thought was going to happen and see what was different from our hypothesis. We have hypothesized that minorities tend to be less open about their usage of LLMs and less prone to seek out help (with the resources CS classes offer) due to their psychological restrictions. Consequently, the majority is the opposite; therefore, they are more likely to be open about their usage of resources and whether they actually seek out help. We produce results, most of it is qualitative but it will be analyzed in a comprehensive way such that we do have quantitative data to back-up our conclusions.

Interdisciplinary, Social Sciences

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