Will Feueur

Will Feueur

Will’s piece, “Detroit City FC is going pro, whether American soccer wants it or not,” was published in the Detroit Metro Times in 2019.

Will says: “I took the course because I knew I wanted to pursue a career in journalism since Sophomore year and there’s a lack of journalism courses at UofM. As a student at the Ford School, I was able to craft my own focus area called “Public Journalism” and this course was a piece of that curriculum. It opened my eyes to a form of nonfiction writing I hadn’t been exposed to before: longform narrative journalism. While I don’t get to do this kind of writing often in a professional capacity, I see it as journalism in its highest form and aspire to writing something as great as “Upon this Rock” one day!”

During his senior year, Will interned at the Detroit Metro Times. He graduated from UM in 2019, at which time he joined CNBC and covered technology companies and the Covid-19 pandemic for two years. In April 2021, Will took a job on the New York Post‘s business deck. He covers corporate lobbying in Albany and City Hall.

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