Enhancing Accessibility of Course Materials in Spanish 280 by Improving Design and Delivery

Mar Freire Hermida, Romance Languages and Literatures | 2022-2023

The main goal of this project is to improve the visibility and accessibility of original course materials called ¡Acción!, that we have created for all sections of Spanish 280 – Conversation Through Spanish/ Latin American Film-. This is a topics course that each instructor fills with content (themes & movies) of their interest. In 2018-2019, we created these materials to support linguistic consistency across sections. ¡Acción! has made the course more sustainable by building a framework of language goals and activities that can be used with any movie with minimal customization. However, in its current format it is hard to navigate, particularly for instructors, and therefore it is under used. By improving the design, accessibility, and navigation of the material, I am hoping to transform how RLL instructors and students use it in class. Additionally, I intend for ¡Acción! to be shared widely as an Open Educational Resource, which requires clarity for users to adopt (or adapt) it with ease.