Knowledge and Attitudes of Emergency Physician Medical Directors on the use of Expedited Partner Therapy for Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment – UROP Summer 2020 Symposium

Knowledge and Attitudes of Emergency Physician Medical Directors on the use of Expedited Partner Therapy for Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment

Pauly Dudas

Pauly Dudas

UROP Fellowship: Community College Summer Fellowship Program
Mott Community College
Research Mentor(s): Rachel Solnick, MD, MSc
Department of Emergency Medicine

Presentation Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 | Session 3 | Presenter: 8

Authors: UROP Mentor: Rachel Solnick, MD, MSc
Mentees: Rafael Cortes and Paul Dudas
Mentor Team: Cornelius Jamison, MD, MSc; Keith Kocher, MD, MPH, MPhil


For privacy concerns this abstract cannot be published at this time.

Research Disciplines

Biomedical Sciences

1 thought on “Knowledge and Attitudes of Emergency Physician Medical Directors on the use of Expedited Partner Therapy for Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment”

  1. Candice Munoz, Ph.D.

    I cannot make the presentation but I wanted to stop by to say congrats on your participation in UROP!
    -Dr. Munoz

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