Addressing Poor Mental Health and Substance Misuse Among Workers in Michigan During Covid-19 and Beyond – UROP Symposium

Addressing Poor Mental Health and Substance Misuse Among Workers in Michigan During Covid-19 and Beyond

Meyer Cusnir

Pronouns: He/Him

Research Mentor(s): Marie-Anne Rosemberg
Research Mentor School/College/Department: Department of Systems, Populations, and Leadership / Nursing
Session: Session 3: 11:00 am – 11: 50 am
Poster: 89


Background: Due to high stress in the workplace, hotel workers are at unique risk for mental health and substance use concerns. COVID-19 further exacerbated these workers’ risk, particularly for guest room attendants (GRAs) who bore the brunt of exposure to infection from guests and rooms. Purpose: This study will examine the effects of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry in Michigan for the purpose of understanding worker experiences, particularly their mental health and substance use behaviors Method: This project is part of a larger mixed methods sequential design study. This specific presentation focuses specifically on the qualitative interview data. We contacted individuals who completed the survey data and had indicated interest in being contacted for the interviews. We conducted individual interviews via Zoom. Each individual interview lasted up to 45 minutes. Results: The study is still ongoing. To date, we interviewed ten hotel workers representing multiple job categories. Data analysis for these ten participants is underway. For the research symposium day, I will discuss these workers’ mental health outcomes, substance use frequency, and quantity, and how those changed after COVID-19. I will also report any differences between the room cleaners and the other hotel workers. Broader themes across these interviews will be generated to describe these workers’ experiences. Conclusion: The findings from this project will help guide future interventions with targeted resources to support hotel workers’ mental health and substance use. Using a community-based approach, we will share our findings with the local labor union and our community advisory board members to discuss implications and next steps. With this information, we may influence organizational policy and contract negations to affect changes to adjust to the harsh reality the workers endured because of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to face in the future.

Biomedical Sciences, Interdisciplinary

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