Jessica DeGuise

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
UROP Fellowship: CCSFP, Mott Community College
Research Mentor(s): Yongqun Oliver He, PhD
Research Mentor Institution/Department: Michigan Medicine, Unit of Lab Animal Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics
Presentation Date: Wednesday, August 4th
Session: Session 2 (4pm-4:50pm EDT)
Breakout Room: Room 3
Presenter: 2
“Background: While COVID-19 vaccines are generally safe, they are occasionally associated with various adverse events (AEs). Recently the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine (i.e Johnson and Johnson vaccine) has been reported to be significantly associated with blood clot, or thrombosis. The CDC/FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has continuously collected various vaccine adverse events reported from the USA.
Objective: The goal of this project was to collect and analyze thrombosis adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines through VAERS and literature.
Method: The VAERS database was searched to find all the AEs associated with three COVID-19 vaccines including Janssen, Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine, and Moderna mRNA vaccine. The results were downloaded to spreadsheets and were used for data analysis. Different thrombosis AEs were collected and analyzed. Meanwhile, related literature papers were identified from PubMed and systematically annotated. The results from VAERS and PubMed literature were compared.
Results: As of July 13, 2021, VARES recorded a total of 42,251 vaccine AE case reports associated with Janssen, among which 1,164 cases (2.7% of total AE cases) included thrombosis AE. These thrombosis cases were categorized into 57 subtypes of thrombosis. In comparison, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was associated with a total of 184,960 AE cases, which included 1,795 (0.97%) thrombosis cases that were separated into 52 types of thrombosis AEs. Among 185,587 reported AE cases associated with the Moderna vaccine, there were 1,425 thrombosis AE cases (0.77%), which were categorized into 52 sub types. For all these three vaccines, the most occurring thrombosis AE types with most cases were deep vein thrombosis and regular thrombosis. These different types of thrombosis AEs were mapped with the Ontology of Adverse Events (OAE), and the hierarchical patterns of these AEs were identified. Furthermore, the results were further compared with PubMed literature search results.
Conclusion: Jassen had much higher thrombosis AE compared to Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. Both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have a higher number of cases caused by thrombosis reported than the Janssen vaccine. ”
Authors: Jessica DeGuise, Oliver He
Research Method: Data Collection and Analysis