The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Summer 2021 Research Symposium is being held virtually this year through the Zoom platform.
Join us August 4th from 3:00pm – 6:30pm Eastern Daylight Time throughout the day via this link.
The breakout rooms will be open and audience members will have to manually join the breakout room to attend the presentations.
If you need assistance joining one of the three breakout rooms to attend the presentations the UROP Staff will be greeting and supporting guests in the main Zoom room throughout the event.
To attend the event please make sure that your Zoom account is updated, you must be running Zoom 5.0 or later to join.
- Access Zoom update instructions here
- Zoom download and installation instructions are provided here
- You are welcome to download the UROP Symposium Zoom Background
- Zoom “Joining a breakout room” instructions
You are able to search for specific student presentation information via the search bar to the right.

- To join a breakout room click on the icon with four squares labelled “Breakout Rooms”
- A list of the breakout rooms will appear with a number on the right hand side of the Breakout Room Pop-up window
- To join a breakout room hover over the number on the right hand side and the word “Join” will appear (click on the word “join”)
- A second window will pop up confirming that you want to join that particular room. Hit “yes”, if it is correct, hit “no” if you would like to choose a different room.
- If you would like to switch breakout rooms during the Symposium click on the “Breakout Rooms” icon again and repeat the process above.

Remote Control Access – Student Presenters

- Student presenters make sure that in the Meeting Settings accessed through the Web Browser version of your Zoom Account is activated
- Students using a Mac computer must also ensure that the Zoom icon their Accessibility Security Settings is on for remote control to work.
- The Breakout Room moderators will grant remote control access to the next presenter who will need to click their mouse once to activate remote control to have the ability to forward their slides. Please be a little patient with the remote control transfer as it can be a little sluggish, especially with the volume of participants attending the Symposium.