Jacqueline Lopez-Bravo
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
UROP Fellowship: CCSFP, Grand Rapids Community College
Research Mentor(s): Ana Patricia Esqueda, PhD Student
Research Mentor Institution/Department: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Department of Psychology
Presentation Date: Wednesday, August 4th
Session: Session 3 (5pm-6:20pm EDT)
Breakout Room: Room 2
Presenter: 5
COVID-19 has impacted individuals in many different ways. In this project, we focus on how the pandemic has impacted the Latinx community. Oftentimes it is difficult for individuals in Latinx households to follow procedures such as social distancing or staying home as many come from low-income families and need to keep working, thus highly increasing the risk of spreading the virus. These living arrangements are associated with communalist cultural values such as familism. Within this project, the goal is to understand and explore how familism has impacted Latino’s individual beliefs. We recruit 18-30 years old Michigan-based Latinos for a 45 minute to an hour virtual interview. We divide these interviews between immigrants, first-generation parents, and young adults since every individual have had a different experience and may contribute different insights based on our questions. We specifically ask “how has your family structure changed” with this information we conclude that most family households have experienced difficulty adjusting to the pandemic and as a result, we learned that they support and rely heavily on their family members. We continue to interview young adults and young parents as we explore how the shifts that have occurred during the pandemic throughout the year 2020 have impacted individuals.
Authors: Jacqueline Lopez-Bravo, Ana Patricia Esqueda
Research Method: Qualitative Study