Adedoyin Adebayo
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
UROP Fellowship: CCSFP, Oakland Community College
Research Mentor(s): Michael Green, MD, PhD and Amanda Huber, PhD
Research Mentor Institution/Department: Michigan Medicine and Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs, Department of Radiation Oncology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology Department of Radiation Oncology
Presentation Date: Wednesday, August 4th
Session: Session 2 (4pm-4:50pm EDT)
Breakout Room: Room 3
Presenter: 7
For privacy concerns this abstract cannot be published at this time.
Authors: Adedoyin Adebayo, Priyal Bajaj, Reagan Nelson, Long Jiang, PhD, Amanda Huber, PhD, Michael Green, MD, PhD
Research Method: Laboratory Research