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2014 Winners

Cameron Barnes
I am a freshman from Atlanta, Georgia, and while I have yet to declare a major, I hope to go into either Organizational Studies or computer science. This past fall, I played snare drum on the Michigan Drumline, and I intend to continue in the activity for the remainder of my time here. Aside from drumming and music, I enjoy reading, writing, and, of course, frequenting Ann Arbor’s spectacular fine dining scene (which, for a freshman in college, typically includes Jimmy John’s and Panchero’s if I’m feeling particularly extravagant). While I am still tragically undecided about my future, after I graduate, I hope to move out west to work for a couple of years and experience the real world as I attempt to decide how I want to spend the rest of my life. I was initially compelled to take this course because I felt it necessary to have a stronger historical background on Israel/Palestine in order to form an informed opinion on the region’s current strife. I also had heard talk of Professor Eliav’s unmatched lecturing talents, and needless to say, he did not disappoint.
The Refined Roman Society: Analysis of Roman Lamps and a Decorative Lamp Holder

Alyna Orecharova
My name is Alyna Orecharova and I am from Setauket, New York. I am currently a senior at the University of Michigan and will be graduating with a BA in the History of Art this spring. In the fall, I will be working at Christie’s Auction House in London while pursuing an MSc in Art, Law and Business through the University of Glasgow and Christie’s Education. My interest in the international art market stems from my overall passion for the arts. I believe that art offers a unique mode of communication that breaches cultural boundaries while facilitating the development of new ideas and perspectives. Likewise, art serves as an important historical record, as it is often in dialogue with the sociopolitical context of a given time. As a result, I see art as a time-portal of sorts, allowing the viewer to enter the lives of others through a universal visual rhetoric. This also resonated with my desire to take Professor Eliav’s class on the History of Israel and Palestine because it provides insight into the nuances and underpinnings of the current sociopolitical context in the Middle East through its rich history.

Maya Qutob
I’m currently a sophomore going into my junior year, and I am majoring in Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology (MCDB). I plan on one day becoming a medical physician, following in the footsteps of my hardworking father. The main reason I took this class was to identify with my roots; for my father is Palestinian and my mother is Syrian. My parents always encouraged me and my siblings to recognize both sides of our heritage; however it’s hard to identify yourself with something you know nothing about. After taking this class and talking more about my ancestors with my father I’m happy to say that I see myself differently since the beginning of the semester.

Maxwell Schwein
I am a sophomore from Charlevoix, MI. I am at the university pursuing a BBA degree with a minor in Applied Statistics. In the future, I plan to pursue a career in accounting or finance. I am also captain of the UM Water Ski team and play club hockey here. This summer I will be working as an instructor at a water ski camp for kids in North Carolina. I took this course because I have always been interested in history and it was an interesting topic that I could take to fulfill humanities requirements.
An Incantation Bowl and Roman Bath House: Culture, Religion, and Daily Life in the Ancient World

Bethany Wise
Growing up in the small town of Poughkeepsie, New York, I have been blessed with incredible parents and my younger brother and sister. As the oldest, I was the first to graduate high school and the first to go away to college at the University of Michigan. While in Michigan, I am the president of the Michigan Congressional Debate Association, as I pursue a career in law with a concentration in Philosophy. My passion has always been music and I love to share that passion at my church, Calvary Chapel, as I lead worship there. Horses are my second passion, as my childhood dream of one day owning horses has remained constant throughout my life. Most importantly, God has blessed me beyond what I can imagine and I owe all of my accomplishments and growth to Him. I am excited to see what He does with the rest of my life. I plan to graduate and continue on to law school and pursue a career as a lawyer. I took AAPTIS 277: The Land of Israel/Palestine Through The Ages because Israel is probably one of the most interesting places to me in the world. While it is highly important to my Christian faith, I am also very interested in the politics and I wanted to understand the history and what led to the current conflict in the Middle East.