Episode 3 Transcript – Michigan Voices

Episode 3 Transcript

Speaker 1: You’re about to listen to 3 best friends question what our society would look like without co-vid and its about to get nitty it’s about to get messy and it is for sure will be real 

*intro music

Speaker 1: Before we really get into the nitty gritty, name one thing personally that you were worried about before covid ever happened before it was a big deal in the United States.. So for example, for me I was worried about my internship for the next summer and like getting that position getting that job and I was worried about that’s the type of stuff like really miniscule things like little petty problems that’s the **** I was worried about 

Right like life actually now that you say it is like really different..

No forreal 

Like I was going on my study abroad, you know to Ireland 

Way to flex 

Subtle flex 

I was going to go on my study abroad and I kept on like looking at all the people who were signed up and I was like worried about who am I going to hang out with there and like is the professor going to like me because I had already talked to him before he was like part of that whole like conference thing and I was like I think he thinks I’m stupid so like what what I am going to do how am I going to impressive him and then it just got cancelled so I literally havent seen the professor since but I was like going to spend all summer with him and I was like worried about that.  

I’m not going to lie before co-vid I wasn’t really worried about anything, school but other than that 

Not a care in the world 

Other than that I was like dang what am I going to do this weekend

Yeah so um basically like this year voter turnout a lot of people are contributing such a high turnout because of covid.. If you think covid didn’t happen you think the voter turnout would have been as high AND do you think Joe Biden would have won? Because I don’t think he would’ve I think Trump would have won

If covid didn’t happen? 

If covid didn’t happen Trump would still be president

Yeah I think Trump would be president

Because people *******


Because of covid- Sorry I got flustered because you know..

No its fine

I think covid just kind of showed what type of leader he really is because even before then we knew.. We don’t really be liking that man but like obviously the majority of people still did.. I just think if covid didn’t happen Trump would have won. 

You might actually be right like I hate to say it you know I think I’d like to think our country’s better than that but I know our country is not better than that

No their not because they elected him in the first place

Right, he mishandled it so badly like come one dude

And the thing is you also think like maybe people voted for him in ‘16 and during covid they lost a family member and they didn’t like how he handled it so they’re like I’m not voting for him again

Why does it have to take you losing a family member and an entire pandemic for you to realize that

I mean you hate to think about it But I think that’s just how some people are

That’s disappointing

And like I don’t know he also like got impeached and like he doesn’t have a great track record with like 

Oh no Trump supporters cared about his impeachment

Exactly but there’s a lot of moderate people in our country who didn’t like him already but 

But they still voted for him because it was like well if you think back to 2016 everyone was like oh I’d rather Trump than Hillary



There was really no, I like this person no it was I’d rather this person than this person

Ok, here we go, protesting. Did you guys ever protest before covid?


No, I did not

But like I was I wanted to be protesting for Black Lives Matter but I Didn’t really want to be in crowds and stuff 

I feel like that’s how a lot of people felt

But I would’ve been there if not for covid

But people did show out regardless of covid

Yeah people did but I was scared because-

No, I get that. So my hot take about if covid never happened I believe people would not be comfortable saying black lives matter 

Why do you say that?

Because people literally were not comfortable saying it before all the protests-

What does covid have to do with Black lives matter/

Here it goes.. If covid didn’t happen I think the videos about oh my god I’m trying to think of the guy

George floyd?

George Floyd but I’m thinking of the guy who was in the park who was birdwatching and that woman called the police on him

Oh yeah yeah 

I want to say his name is like Andrew something I don’t know but I think stuff like that wouldn’t have got that much attention and-

But what did covid have to do with that 

Because everyone was at home, everyone was watching the news all the time everyone was on either phones more and I think people were paying more attention cause-

And maybe things were a bit more inflammatory 


People were like restless because they were stuck in their house for months


Because people have been dying like that by the police over and over again that happened in January that happened in december it happened like 4 times in december and nothing happened but in when it happened in what April?

April or May..

Yeah whenever it happened people were watching.. A lot of people you know they saw a man die on camera and I don’t think that would have happened without covid and so then after that people other than black people and people who knew about it-

Well cause people saw well I guess it wasn’t like on camera 

It was on camera 

No I’m talking about like people have been fighting for black lives since I don’t know for a hot minute I remember like that Baltimore riots was it Baltimore?

The Baltimore riots ?

Yeah within Obama’s administration like that was a huge thing with like Tamir right Tamir Rice and Sandra Bland and like all them so I think it could have happened maybe but I do think that covid did have to do with it because things were already inflammatory politically like people were already pissed off about all kinds of other things people were like what sam was saying, restless and-

Yeah Like wanting to do something

But like after those riots-

People have been saying black lives matter since-

But not to like this

I understand like not to this extent 

Think about like all the restaurants now in like liberal towns that have a black lives matter flag up that **** was not there before 

But I.. also to have our generation growing up though and being more involved now as well 

And being able to explain the phrase 

Yeah like now of course that’s always been a thing and they’ve always been saying it but now our generation is getting more educated so I feel like that has a big thing to do with it too

Yeah because back in 2008 we were all.. All of us were 8 years old.. Maybe it’s not like people were scared to say it cause people have been saying it but this brought attention renewed attention to a really big issue and there’s a bunch of people who are now older who are actually like paying attention now so like I don’t know if it was like oh people are scared to say black lives matter cause-

I still think they were or they were uncomfortable they.. I feel like whenever people were saying but you know all lives matter like yeah that was getting lashback but people were still yeah that is true all lives do matter but now there’s more people trying to explain that black lives matter does not take away from the fact that all lives matter its just that at this moment we need to recognize you know 

No i know what you mean 

I really do think that people didn’t care about that before covid 

Maybe it’s for like the suburbia comfortable white people who like didn’t pay attention to anything and didn’t care about anyone else but themselves and that’s not necessarily a huge bad thing but they were just comfortable in their own lives and didn’t pay attention-

Well and I guess it goes back before covid like how we were saying everyone was just so into their own lives 

That’s true 

And since you were stuck in your house it was kind of forced on you not forced but like you’re seeing it everywhere so now you’re kind of like forced to think like oh wow and then you start getting more educated about it and now thats what this is

We’re part of something so much bigger than ourselves

Cause people were just before people were just worried about their own lives  

So I guess to kind of conclude our conversation I was wondering what is the biggest change you guys have seen in people since covid?

I feel like people are more aware of other people’s space personal space 

Ohhh yeah 

Cause since everythings been like 6 feet apart like when you go to the grocery store before covid like I would have people real close to me in the line

No for real 

They were pushin up behind me 

I still feel like people are like that literally I was in the covid line and some dude was like pushin pushin

See but sometimes I felt like before covid I kind of did that too I would catch myself like a little to close like on accident but now when I’m in a store I’m like wait I need to stand back because I don’t know how they are about covid like this could be a big deal I mean it should be a big deal for everyone but this could be like- 

They could be at risk

Yeah and like yeah they’re at the store but probably actually need to be going to the store and you find yourself saying oh okay let me takes  step back and not get into their space and not touch as much stuff in the store cause I’m like who’s the next person that is going to touch this or like whose touched it before me 

Yeah I always think of who touched it before me


So people are just a little more aware of other people

I mean I’m definitely more aware of the idea of like germs.. I literally carry around that little pocket sized  germ x and that’s what I was doing like so much yesterday like after I washed my hands I put germ x and did that double cleansing but you know I don’t know..

At least for me personally I realized how interconnected people are I just found out the people who used to live across the street from me like 7 years ago they reached out in the middle of covid which I dont think would have happened if it didn’t happen and I just found out that they are related to my dad’s cousin 


So we lived across the street for like years and they were like technically related to us so yeah weird little things like that have been happening so like damn like everything is so connected I don’t think I would’ve taken a step back and paid attention

*outro Music gets louder and cuts off of topic conversation*

If you’ve made it this far.. thanks I hope you enjoyed our conversation and I hope you take a step back today and reflect on how you have let the coronavirus pandemic impact what you deem as important as members of this democracy and in your personal life journeys .

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