Episode 5: The Covid Crises and Policies
The Pandemics in America
https://anchor.fm/s/435545cc/podcast/rssWelcome to this week of Democracy Unmuted we are joined by Mackenzie Gilson as we talk about when the world outside of the classroom becomes your greatest learning experience. We also take a look into the public health sphere and converging pandemics. Join us as we look into pandemics and policies and learn a little bit more about them together.
Episode High Points
- Hear about the Foundation of Medical Relief for Children and what they have been up to this year
- Discuss how the pandemic has been affecting school this year from a member of the school of public health
- Learn more about public health policies that are seen as controversial in these trying times
- Get a look into the vaccines for covid and what it might take for them to be distributed
- Listen to us talk about the most serious public health crisis of our time
Special thanks to Mackenzie Gilson for joining me and to Jackson Roth for the creation of the podcast outro and overall theme for the podcast. The biggest thanks goes out to T Hetzel the teacher of Writing 200 who put this amazing Podcast team together.
Mackenzie Gilson
Junior in Public Health at
The University of MichiganKimberly Udell
Junior in PAT(BFA) at
The University of Michigan
Guest Host