Reflections + Moving Forward

Immersing myself into the world of research over this past summer has been extremely formative. I have built upon old skills and developed new ones, forged strong professional relationships, and developed my voice in scientific writing, among other things.  Although the time commitment to this lab was quite daunting, I believe I acclimated well to…

Reflections & Advice – Lauren Penrose

As an avid journaler I am someone who thoroughly enjoys reflecting. When reading back my first WAGSFP journal entry I was correct in my assumptions. I did overestimate how much time I had before starting the poster and I did make errors in the new programming I used this summer. With the errors, though, I…

Reflections + Moving Forward – Emily Warden

Reflecting back on my first blog post, it is really awesome to see how much I have grown since May. When I wrote that first blog post, I remember thinking that every laboratory task felt incredibly complicated. Even simple things, like knowing where different solutions were stored, were unknown to me. Tissue extraction and microscopy…

Update on My Research Experience – Beatrice H.

Since the beginning of the Summer Fellowship, I’ve grown a considerable amount. For one, I’ve learned to be more conscious of my responsibilities within my team. Additionally, I became more comfortable with my shortcomings in skill, and I continue to use that as a motivation to be more immersed in my project. The technical challenges…