Summer Reflection

As this summer comes to an end, I am able to understand how privileged I am to have had the opportunity to participate in WAGSFP. Through this program, I have been able to learn more about women and gender issues, but I have also been able to learn more about myself in a research setting.…

One Last Time

August 2, 2021 Hello everyone! I am back to write my final blog post *tears.* Where do I even start? Being a part of the WAGSFP team has been nothing short of an amazing experience. The other students in the program were all super sweet and I loved hearing and learning about their different research…

Saying Goodbye

As much as I anticipated my experiences this summer to go by quickly, I’m still surprised we’ve already reached the end. I’m really looking forward to next week’s symposium and celebrating the hard work everyone in the program has put in the past two months. As I reflect back on my experience, I definitely think…

Freda’s Blog #2

It did not really dawn on me until recently that I have been doing research for over a month. Time has gone by fairly quickly. I appreciate this time to sit and reflect on what this journey has been like so far. I found my anxiety for the weekly Friday meetings slowly turning into anticipation.…

Summer of Learning

Being a transfer student, I feel as though I lost out on many opportunities my first few years of college. At my previous schools, I didn’t know of any research internships or many other educational programs outside of the classroom. Coming to UM has given me so many new experiences and learning opportunities— UROP/WAGS being…