The Powerful Words of Women
Created by: Madison Fri
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Digital Publishing for the English Community
Created by: Madison Fri
Young Adult Fiction. It is arguably one of the most popular categories among readers, piquing interest in young adults and older adults alike. Young adult fiction isn’t technically a “genre” per se, but more of a category, such as adult, or children’s books. In an article titled “Do Teens Get Pushed Out of Books When Read More …
To say that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned the University of Michigan’s world upside down would be an understatement. The recent outbreak has shifted all classes to an online format, and sent many students home to finish out the semester there. As an English major currently enrolled in three English classes, seeing how each instructor Read More …
February is a distinct month in Michigan. Winter is drawing to a close, spring is on the horizon, and pretty soon the Great Lakes will start to generate their waves again. While those gathered in the Hatcher Graduate Library Gallery on February 25th at 5:30 PM ranged in diversity, one thing they all very well Read More …
The Great Lakes Theme Semester, Michigan Quarterly Review, and the Hopwood Program are hosting an event titled “From the Great Lakes to the Global Water Crisis: Writers on Water”. The event will be held in the Gallery Hatcher Graduate Library on Tuesday, February 25 from 5:30-7:30 pm. It is expected to host many accomplished writers Read More …
Growing up, I remember spending a lot of time at my grandparents’ house; much of that time was spent running in and out of rooms, seeing what kind of trouble I could stir up. But what I’ve always remembered was the number of books lying around about how to connect with your body, how to Read More …
The University of Michigan’s Ann Arbor campus is quite unique. The city itself is full of people from all over the country and world, and the campus’ diversity sometimes makes it hard to remember it resides in the Midwest. While those who were born and raised in the Midwest pick up on the things that Read More …
As residents of the state of Michigan, whether that be temporarily or permanently, living in a state surrounded by the Great Lakes is something we can often take for granted. The Great Lakes have a lot to offer and so many Michigan students might spend their entire time in the state without experiencing them. That’s Read More …