BLI Student Voices
The Barger Leadership Institute is proud to support various types of innovative and developmental leadership experiences for undergraduates at the University of Michigan.
We invite you to explore this blog, where our students share experiences in their own words.
Welcome to BLI: the home for immersive and interdisciplinary undergraduate leadership experiences at the University of Michigan. Here, we take a holistic approach to help you explore, nurture, and realize your authentic leadership potential.
Leadership Grants
The Institute provides resources to our BLI members through grant possibilities that reinforce our beliefs in student initiative, the importance of learning from real-world experience, and the integral roles of reflection, collaboration, and active engagement with communities.
Leadership Journey
Join the BLI to enter our community of leaders. We offer life-enriching experiences and practical tools that bring leadership concepts to life. A member’s BLI path begins with our LEARN experiences.
Latest Blogs
- What the FBy Aayana Anand What the F is an intersectional feminist, multimedia organization on campus with the mission ofacting as a creative outlet for people with a variety of identities, such as, but not… Read more: What the F
- Bond Beyond: Boards and BuddiesBy Ava Prude In our ALA 174 class, we were tasked with creating a final project that would give back to andengage the community. Our team, Hail Yeah!, rose to the challenge by… Read more: Bond Beyond: Boards and Buddies
- Campus Farm Club — Growing Success through BLI Partnership!By Clare Decker The UMich Campus Farm Club is a student-led organization dedicated to making sustainablefood and farming practices accessible to all students. Through our club, we bring togethersustainable farming, education, and community… Read more: Campus Farm Club — Growing Success through BLI Partnership!
- Beyond Ramen by Food GroupBy Lidia Cappelletti A summary of your project, including how well it followed your original goals which wereestablished in the grant proposalHey everyone! Food Group here! We want to thank our participants for… Read more: Beyond Ramen by Food Group
- Zap Zone with MCHSBy Taylor Burnham The foster care system is underfunded and under-resourced; as a result, many fosterhomes and youth residential facilities are unable to provide the children they serve with fun,enjoyable experiences that many… Read more: Zap Zone with MCHS
- FeelGood Care PackagesBy Takara Wilson Our ProjectFeelGood is the youth engagement program of The Hunger Project, where we create our own socialenterprise to fundraise on The University of Michigan college campus. Our project – FeelGood… Read more: FeelGood Care Packages
- Celebrating Teachers’ Day at UMICH: A Tribute to Leadership and GratitudeBy Long Nguyen The Vietnamese International Student Association (VISA) at the University of Michigan recentlyorganized a memorable event to celebrate Vietnamese Teachers’ Day on November 20th, 2024.This event was designed to honor the… Read more: Celebrating Teachers’ Day at UMICH: A Tribute to Leadership and Gratitude
- Annual Cultural Show – Indian American Student AssociationBy Priya Kalra On November 15th, 2024, the Indian American Student Association (IASA) at the University of Michiganhosted its annual cultural show at the Michigan Theater. This event showcases diverse aspects of Indianculture… Read more: Annual Cultural Show – Indian American Student Association
- Beyond RamenBy Lily Gerlach Thank You!! Hey everyone! Food Group here! Thank you to everyone who attended our event, “Beyond Ramen,” and supported our journey through the BLI Leadership Seminar! Our event featured free… Read more: Beyond Ramen
- Healthtech Networking EventBy Nancy Xugf The Healthcare x Healthtech conference was with the goal of bridging the gap betweenhealthcare and technology. In the organization’s own words: “Healthcare x Healthtech creates anenvironment for healthcare and tech… Read more: Healthtech Networking Event
- GreenPlatterBy Yeyang Zhang The world can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to managing health in today’sfast-paced life. At a time when many face challenges in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, wefounded GreenPlatter with… Read more: GreenPlatter
- Spread a SmileBy Shayna Lopatin The world can be a really scary place now. At a time when the world seems so divided and broken, my friend Atara and I set out with one goal… Read more: Spread a Smile
- Intercultural Interaction InitiativeBy Sylvia Rodriguez, Amanda Gebre, and Gabriela Gaytan-Aguirre Gaby: From the start, we all put forth skills we deemed necessary to navigate the journey we setourselves on. In gaining the funding from BLI,… Read more: Intercultural Interaction Initiative
- Accessing Disability Culture AnthologyBy Tess Carichner As a nursing major who has a lifetime of experience and participation in the disability community, integrating my disability cultural values into my college transition and general life work has… Read more: Accessing Disability Culture Anthology
- A Journey of Advocacy: Revealing the Realities of Lung Cancer Screening Disparities and Confronting the Stigma of Lung CancerBy Alisha Keshwani Alisha and Alina Keshwani are both sophomores at the University of Michigan on the pre-medical track. They are the founders and Co-Presidents of the University of Michigan Chapter of the… Read more: A Journey of Advocacy: Revealing the Realities of Lung Cancer Screening Disparities and Confronting the Stigma of Lung Cancer