Capstone 2020 – Barger Leadership Institute Student Voices

Capstone 2020

3degrees: Summer Reflection

Throughout our summer research, one of our biggest questions was understanding whatmade a strong brand image, and from a logo and colors standpoint, what logo andmarketing elements would lend itself best to 3 Degrees and put the organization’s bestpossible image forward. In reflection, we spent far more time on the rebrand process thanwe anticipated, but […]

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SIFT Collective: Summer Reflection

The main component of our summer research was our focus group research that wasaimed to address questions regarding consumer lifestyle choices, shopping behaviors, andpreferences based on how they define and perceive sustainability. An insight that did not alignwith our expectations was that many consumers rarely considered sustainability whileshopping. If the information is readily available either

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co-collab: Summer Reflection

As a team, co-collab’s mission is to foster meaningful experiences through collaborative, interactive, and playful activities. Our three major summer activities were1) consolidate and present our identity as a team and as a brand; 2) collect inspirational and empirical support for our fall implementation plan from literature and case studies; and3) collect stories on how

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SIFT Collective: Bootcamp Team Reflection

KEVIN LIU, MELISSA BREI, HAILEY ESPINOSA What was your project idea before Bootcamp To address unsustainability in the fashion industry, we plan to create an online marketplace for sustainable fashion businesses. We will develop a sustainability standard that will educate consumers on the many different facets of sustainable fashion. We plan to implement downcycling initiatives

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Blueprints For Pangaea: Bootcamp Reflection

YASH PATEL            Prior to coming to Bootcamp, Blueprints for Pangaea was already an organization and had been for five years. Primarily, we were looking to learn the means by which we could establish an inventory application that would make the process of inventorying faster. Thus, our project idea was to develop a scanning application that

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Community Conversations: Bootcamp Reflection

ARIEL HUANG ‘Community Conversations’ is an extension of my teammate Bre’s previous project, the Dinner Table Conversations. We want to bring together UofM students who would otherwise not have the chance to interact with each other through collaborative art-making and acts of playfulness. We hope that these participatory art activities will spark creativity, bring a

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