What was your project idea before Bootcamp? We’re aiming to create a sustainable makeup brand called Ease Cosmetics. We want to create a brand of multi-use products that simplify the makeup routine and reduce the need to buy more products. We want to create cosmetics that customers feel good about wearing and buying. We will start with a multi-use tinted balm that works on lips, cheeks and eyes. The balm will come in a refillable container of our own design and be made of nourishing ingredients.
How did your idea change/evolve? While the core idea didn’t change, we’re going to tweak certain aspects. We need to figure out a set definition of what sustainability means for us as a company. We also need to better communicate our zero waste goal when presenting our brand. We also need to make sure we present ourselves as a gender and race inclusive brand which is important as a modern makeup company.
Describe some of the things you learned / personal highlights. We learned that feedback is invaluable. This idea existed solely in our heads not long ago and while it’s scary to share something that feels personal to us, others’ opinions are definitely important when it comes to creating a product that’s going to be consumed by the public. We both loved the last day of boot camp where we got the most feedback! We also learned how to better organize our ideas onto paper, how to better work as a team (especially the importance of communication and the necessity for a structure to do so), and how to define goals.
By Hailey Espinosa
Team members: Hailey Espinosa, Emily Lancaster