November 2019 – Barger Leadership Institute Student Voices

November 2019

Health Promotion at UM (HPUM): Capstone Showcase Abstract

Health Promotion at UM (HPUM) was founded as a student organization to provide team-based volunteering opportunities addressing relevant health disparities for aspiring health professionals. Our team did not apply to the Capstone Experience to start a new project from scratch, but instead to improve upon HPUM’s existing programs and structure and ultimately enhance our sustainability […]

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Aretē: Philosophy in Prisons: Capstone Showcase Abstract

Aretē: Philosophy in Prisons is a ten-week student-led outreach program that serves to deepen the lives of those incarcerated, as well as the lives of Michigan students through an eye-opening exchange of unique perspectives. Michigan graduate and undergraduate students will have the opportunity to engage in philosophical dialogue with people who are currently incarcerated. By

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Project Healthy Schools – Global: Capstone Showcase Abstract

Project Healthy Schools Global focuses on combating the rise of chronic and preventable diseases in developing countries. As developing countries become more globalized, such as the increased number of fast-food opportunities and environmental limitations to exercise, lifestyles change. This change in lifestyle with higher access to fast and fatty foods and lower access to physical

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Host Your Voice: Capstone Showcase Abstract

The overall purpose of our project was to address the fundamental disconnect between landlords and potential tenants, specifically in the student housing space. We built marketing software that can turn any apartment website –– no matter the quality –– into an all-in-one conversion suite. Instead of marketers trying to guess what their tenants want, we

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IceVax: Capstone Showcase Abstract

IceVax is a sustainable, energy-efficient refrigeration solution for communities with barriers that are limiting their access to proper refrigeration. Our goal is to bridge the gap in health outcomes experienced by these communities. During the Capstone project, we evaluated different options for assembling the most suitable prototype of IceVax, reached out to stakeholders with experience

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