January 2023 – Barger Leadership Institute Student Voices

January 2023

STF: Period Poverty in Prisons

The Social Transformation Fellowship has taught me about the logistics of creating a large-scale social change project, and the cooperation and support it takes from so many others (individuals and organizations). I learned the specifics of budgeting, the significance of learning from relevant stakeholders, and the importance of networking.  It was incredible to work with

STF: Period Poverty in Prisons Read More »

STF: Period Stigma in Latin Communities

The Social Transformation Fellowship has taught me about the logistics of creating a large-scale social change project, and the cooperation and support it takes from so many others (individuals and organizations). I learned the specifics of budgeting, the significance of learning from relevant stakeholders, and the importance of networking. It was incredible to work with

STF: Period Stigma in Latin Communities Read More »

STF: Yoga and Meditation in Low-Income Communities

Thinking back on applying to the program, the workshops were not exactly what I expected. I thought that they would primarily consist of time to workshop your project with heavy individual guidance on steps and decision-making. The workshops did provide a structure to move forward and take steps in our projects, but I appreciated that

STF: Yoga and Meditation in Low-Income Communities Read More »

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