I think so far the most interesting thing I have witnessed being at CDAD (Community Development Advocates of Detroit) was the opportunity to watch and listen in on Detroit’s City Council Formal Session this past week. (This is actually when the members decided not to give Dan Gilbert the $60 million dollar tax abatement to build his Hudson site development….In other words, Detroit Council Members did not reduce the price for Gilbert to build his site. He’s a millionaire, why would he need this? Just something to think about).
Another section during the session that stood out to me was public comment. Public comment is when Detroiters, business owners, company faculty, etc. (the public) come to speak about any issues or problems that they think the members should know about. I know in the recent formal session their was a huge problem about finding affordable housing for many Detroiters. Most were living in hotels, however, they were soon to be removed. Others spoke about the Dan Gilbert situation and how he shouldn’t need any tax breaks.
I liked how I got to see everything in action and how our City Council actually worked. I’m interested in knowing what happens at the next formal session!