June 2014 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

June 2014

Week 5

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/26/detroit-in-20-years-2033_n_4269422.html This article is what made me so interested in Detroit. Prior to finding this article, the only things I heard about the city was how bad it was. I imagined it to be completely decayed and ruined, at rock bottom. I would read articles on how crime was so high and how political corruption […]

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Week Four: Culture

Food Lab sounds awesome! I can totally relate to the alien-ness (probably not a word) of having so much freedom at iO. I’ve been so used to being told where to go, when to go there, etc..I’m willing to bet most non-profits are much more relaxed and informal than many other professional jobs out there.

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Week 4 Culture

There aren’t many differences of culture in the area that I work at. I’m used to working with the ethnicities in Highland park because of the church I attend. It’s either you’re African American or White in Highland Park it’s not very much a difference. The age culture in Highland Park is mostly elderly people

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Week Four: Culture

Culture is a term is that is defined in various ways by different people. To sociologists, culture is defined as the beliefs, objects, behaviors, and other characteristics that are common to members of a particular group or society. These practices distinguish one group from another and include language, customs, values, and etc. While interning at

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I’ve written about the organizational and collaborative culture of the Suburbs Alliance, so I’ll focus on the wonderful people who make up the org and compare it to nonprofits nationally. The Suburbs Alliance is a ten-person team, including the four fellows. Of the ten, there are eight women and two men. We often talk about

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Cultivating Culture

With my previous experience working at nonprofits, I came into this placement with the assumption that there would be various degrees of inefficiencies and misunderstandings. Within each and every one of us are deeply rooted beliefs that shape our identity; it is our culture.  We make derived meaning from previous experiences, preset beliefs and personal

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When I think of the Neighborhood Service Organization, Dr. Seuss’ One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish comes to mind: One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, black fish, blue fish, old fish, new fish… some are old and some are new. Some are sad, and some are glad… we see them come,

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